When you think of networking online, you should think of LinkedIn. One of the dedicated networking social platforms, LinkedIn isn’t just for looking and applying for jobs. You can also advertise your services, connect with business professionals and your community, and show your knowledge and expertise in your field. But, none of that is possible […]
Tips for Writing Engaging Social Media Posts
Social Media is free marketing for your business if you can get people to follow and engage. It’s all about stopping them and making them pay attention, and that’s done with your posts and content. In this fast-paced world, you have mere seconds to grab someone’s attention. And once you have it, you have to […]
How to Create a Facebook Business Page
So, you want to create a Facebook Business Page? That’s smart. With over 2 Billion Users worldwide, you’d be foolish not to take advantage of the FREE marketing opportunity. That’s right; we said free. Creating a Facebook Business Page is a free service, all it takes is your time and effort, and you’re off to the […]
Using Social Media to Drive Website Traffic
3.6 Billion People. It’s the number of people worldwide that use social media. Luckily, you can harness the power of social media to drive traffic to your website. Double lucky, it’s free! And turning your social media followers into website users doesn’t have to be hard — if you know what you are doing. It […]
I’ve Got a Website, Now What?
You’ve done all the hard work: gotten your content together, had a website designed, and now it’s live and ready for folks. But no one is visiting. And you’re not sure what to do next. It’s a common feeling and a question we’ve received from clients countless times: “I’ve got a website, now what?” Today, […]
Get Followers without Paying — Tips for Boosting Your Social Media Presence
Everyone wants friends. And everyone wants followers. It’s what fuels the social media craze—why post if no one is going to see it? But, how do you get followers? And, perhaps more importantly, how do you get followers without paying? Here are 5 Tips to Get Followers Without Paying 1. Promote Your Social Media Accounts […]