Email may be the biggest thing we love to hate since Candy Corn and Netflix.
If you take a poll, I highly suspect the majority of all people will say they HATE email…
…and yet, if we were to trace back their actions – especially whom they choose to do business with AND spend their money with – guess what? The email was in on the action.
So, do people hate email, or do they hate SOME email?
Here are Ten Things You Need to Create a Good Email Marketing Campaign
#1 Relevant
This should be easy. Only send people emails about things they are interested in. If someone contacts you about dogs, don’t send them info about cats.
No one likes getting emails from someone that has nothing to do with why we signed up with them in the first place.
#2 It is About Today
Please don’t send me an email about something that happened three years ago. I got it; you were super bright back then — but what about now? The same is true about stuff in the future. I don’t care.
Please help me with what I need today.
#3 I Don’t Care if You Have a Rolex
I don’t care how successful you are. I care how successful I will be.
You are not the hero in this story; I am. Make it about me, and we just might hit it off.
#4 No One Cares What You Have for Lunch
There is a fine line between storytelling (which is good) and telling me too much.
I don’t care what you had for lunch. I don’t care what you did last weekend.
Help me solve a problem! Unless my problem has to do with deciding what to eat today probably best to send me something more on target.
#5 – Reply
If I reply to your email with a question, reply! I am supposed to believe that you are sending me an email is worth MY time. So, if I respond, I hope I am worth yours.
#6 Don’t ALWAYS Sell Me
I am cool with you wanting to do business with me or sell me whatever widget I showed an interest in.
That said, don’t ONLY sell me. Educate me. Tell me how others have solved their problems. Let me know how to avoid this situation in the future. But, don’t make it all about the $$$ (money) every time.
#7 If You are Going to Sell Me, Tell Me What to Do
The fact of the matter is that people don’t know what to do unless you tell them. It is the most essential thing in your email. It is called a Call To Action (CTA).
You want someone to call you for a free quote? Tell them — and tell them more than once. The CTA does not need to be a ‘sale.’ It could be “just go pick up this free report.” Just make sure there is a CTA.
#8 Be Yourself
This sounds a lot easier than it is. Just be yourself. I got it, you just watched Tony Robbins kill it for six hours from the main stage, and now you are armed with keywords and selling tools. Incorporate them if you must but be yourself.
You, and your story, are a lot more interesting than you think. It also makes you genuine, which is not a bad thing.
#9 Keep it Short
No one likes to open an email and see that it will take longer to read than sourdough bread rises.
Make your point. Bullets are awesome. Numbered lists are lovely. Send me to a video; heck, that is a home run.
#10 Stay on Target
When you write an email, make one point. Not several.
This is not an interactive debate; this is not a movie review; this is an email. You should make one point and have one objective (CTA).
Nailing Your Email Marketing
The reality is that I could probably come up with 100 more points, but then I would be breaking half of the above rules.
Yes, we don’t like getting SOME emails. But we LOVE getting emails that interest us. Stick to the above rules, and you will find more readers and fewer opt-outs. Have questions or need helping getting started? Contact us today at 407-374-2924.