If you thought social media was just a fad, guess again – it has turned in to a real business and real money. On the plus side, there’s a short list of sites you need to pay attention to (like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and a few others). The downside is just being on those […]
Showcase: Formula Diet
Sometimes a site has a singular purpose. Most often that is to get leads or to sell something. In the case of FormulaDiet.com – it is both. The clean look, minimum content, make it very clear what the desired action is. Click on the photo to go to the site.
Showcase: Fire Your Boss
Delivering an online training program? The initial collecting of names can be key. It needs be a clean site with clear direction for the potential customer. In the case of FireYourBoss.com, less is more! Click on the picture to see the site!
Showcase: Big Epic Fail
Sometime the project has very little to do with words. In the case of BigEpicFail.com it is pretty much just about pictures. Nice layout for sharing photos publicly. Click on the photo to go to the site.
Showcase: 129Dragon
Some sites make you just want to take a three-day weekend. 129Dragon.com is a project to promote the Blue Ridge Mountain area in North Carolina. Lots to do and it works out well for a tourism site to pay for itself (banners and advertisements). Click on image to see site.
Showcase: The Griddle Girl
Some sites are just fun. TheGriddleGirl.com project is still under development but has room for videos, articles, and advertisements (not to mention a great place to check out if you don’t know what to make for lunch!) Click on the image to view the site.